Supply Chain / Logistics

How to Reduce Costs with Bossard Expert Assortment Analysis

Expert Assortment Analysis

It may be surprising to learn that only 15 percent of the total cost of a fastener comes from itself. The remaining 85 percent stems from other activities like procurement, logistics, and assembly prep. So, if you’re looking to reduce costs by examining your fasteners, you need to reduce the number of different ones that you use.

Helping you define what fasteners to rely on is the core of Expert Assortment Analysis. It assists you in determining head shapes, recess types, materials, property classes, platings, and dimensions. When utilizing this method, there are many advantages:

  • Cut unnecessary elements by looking for similarities and substituting when possible.
  • Reduce the complexities of purchasing, warehousing, and assembly by defining the fastener assortment from which you can pick.
  • Increase productivity, which improves profitability.

You can choose from three service packages:

  • Basic analyzes your entire production line to look at the assembly tech, such as fasteners, the assembly processes, and tooling. It then estimates cost savings based on Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) principles and presents proposals on what you can do.
  • Advanced includes Basic services but adds Technical Verification to verify that the proposed technical improvements will work with your processes. We also create a bill of fastener materials in drawings. These are all presented in a report to you that includes physical samples.
  • Superior builds on Basic and Advanced by developing an implementation plan. We create a project team and define priorities. We then support a Research and Development engineering team that implements the plan. Finally, we conduct training for your employees both at our facilities and at your location.

If you want to know more about how this service can improve your company’s bottom line, please contact Bossard today at Expert Assortment Analysis is one of the many services we deliver, which can include Expert Education, Expert Teardown, and Expert Walk. We’re here to serve you.

August 30, 2019
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How to Avoid Assembly Nightmares – Part 2

Solutions to Assembly Nightmares 2

You are on a deadline. You have two weeks to produce 500 more units to meet your customer’s expectations at a rate of 50 per day so you should be in good shape. Suddenly, you have a problem. Bolts are stretching and breaking on the assembly line. What do you do now?

Your checklist should look something like the following, in order:

  1. Verify that the correct torque settings are being used – 120Nm ok
  2. Verify the torque wrench – calibration ok
  3. Check fastener property class head marking – class 10.9 ok
  4. Check for any signs of lubrication which could have gotten into the threads or under the rotating bearing surface – ok
  5. Check the core hardness of the bolts – HRC 32-39 ok
  6. Consult your fastener supplier for a joint analysis

Real Life Assembly Solutions

This exact case happened to a Bossard engineer. After checking the screws to ensure that they met specifications for hardness, the obvious recommendation was to lower the torque. But by how much? How can we ensure enough clamp load to keep the joint tight?

In this case, the design engineer had determined a minimum clamp load requirement of 30kN for a safe joint. Since the recommended torque was causing the bolts to stretch, we performed a test to determine how much torque was necessary to tighten the joint.

By performing a torque/tension test on the joint, we were able to determine that the painted surface under the flange nut had much lower friction than predicted. This caused much higher clamp loads using the recommended torque of 120Nm.

Graph comparing clamp load with a painted surface, and a bare steel surface:

Typical data from the joint analysis:

  • MA = torque
  • FV = clamp load
  • µ coef = total coefficient of friction

More testing was necessary to determine at what torque yielding would occur. In the worst case, yielding occurred at 61kN clamp force, which is higher than the minimum 30kN requirement.

The joint analysis pointed out the issue and the recommendation was to lower the torque to 110Nm to stay above the minimum clamp load and below the yield point of the screws to avoid stretching and stopping the line. Problem solved!

If you find yourself in need of joint analysis, check out Bossard’s latest Assembly Technology Expert services, especially the Expert Test Services pillar, or by contacting us at

Doug Jones
Applications Engineer

June 28, 2019
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Where to Find Hidden Cost Savings in Your Design and Assembly

Hidden Cost Savings from your Fasteners 2

Besides finding hidden cost savings in your bill of materials with Bossard’s Expert Assortment Analysis, there may also be opportunities in your design and assembly. Let’s look at an actual example found by Bossard engineers working with an electric lamp manufacturer:

Fastener Cost Breakdown 

Even though the proposed screw itself is more than three times the cost, you can save money by eliminating other fasteners and costly assembly operations as detailed below:

If you have any interest in finding hidden cost savings in your design, check out Bossard’s latest Assembly Technology Expert services, especially the Expert Walk pillar, or contact us directly at

Doug Jones
Applications Engineer

June 14, 2019
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All About Smart Factory Logistics

Sway Blog Post Paragraph

Industry 4.0 is already here, and with technology improving by the minute, factories must apply lean manufacturing principles to stay competitive. Our innovative Smart Factory Logistics systems bring the Internet of Things to your manufacturing floor and bring M2M communication to life.

SmartBin, SmartLabel Cloud, SmartCard, Bossard Code, and Bossard 2Bin will bring your vision of an agile, lean, and reliable process to reality. With real-time information and traditional Kanban systems, Bossard’s Smart Factory Logistics methodology will optimize your inventory management. With procurement work processes truly optimized, your company will be able to use more of its time and resources to create added value for its customers!

Smart Factory Logistics Systems

How much time do you and your team spend sourcing and order C-parts, replenishing your stock, and managing your procurement process? Now imagine having all this time to truly create value for your customers!

With our systems, your vision of an agile, lean, and reliable process becomes a reality. We analyze your operation to help you find the perfect fit. From the fully automated and flexible SmartBin to the informative SmartLabel Cloud with real-time information, to traditional Kanban systems, we optimize your C-part management.

  • Automate the supply of various materials with the flexible sensor monitor technology of SmartBin.
  • Upgrade your existing infrastructure for orders, product details, and real-time order information.
  • A combination of the original Kanban card and RFID technology.
  • Ordering new materials is as easy as scanning the item’s BossardCode and we’ll take care of the rest.
  • Thanks to its simplicity, Bossard 2Bin has been a reliable method for replenishing materials at regular intervals.

For more information about how Smart Factory Logistics can reduce costs, improve productivity, and bring lean management to your manufacturing floor, contact us at



4 Inventory Management Strategies to Help Your Business Succeed

Steps to Take for Digitalization

February 15, 2019
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Smart Factory Logistics: Bossard’s Last Mile Management Solution

Smart Factory Logistics - Bossard's Last Mile Management Solution

Bossard offers invaluable Last Mile Management software designed to streamline the automation and data exchange process for mass customization manufacturers. We know you are constantly seeking innovative technology to reduce waste and better your business practices, and this software is designed with your goals in mind.

Our proven solution can offer a cost savings of up to 60% thanks to its focus on efficiency and providing your material controller with accurate and timely product information.

So how does it work? We provide you with an automated system designed to alert you when material replenishment is needed. It records demand in a digital picking list for you, which will be automatically received by Bossard’s Last Mile Management mobile app. This software is both intuitive and paperless, allowing you to efficiently pick the requested material at central storage locations.

Our software generates an optimized replenishment route plan, eliminating the need for you to do so and, therefore, making the process as efficient as possible. In fact, this route plan can even be sent to an automated guided vehicle which will smoothly take care of transferring material flow to your shop floor.

Don’t let full automation scare you—our system can also be easily reconfigured to give you full control. Plus, you’ll receive maintenance-free service by Bossard experts for your peace of mind.

No matter what kind of production plan you use—work cell based, batch, flow, or mixed model assembly line—Bossard’s Last Mile Management is designed to support it all. Our intuitive software provides manufacturers with a simple, cost-effective solution intended to help you reduce waste and achieve your full potential.


To see if Last Mile Management can benefit you, contact us at

January 25, 2019
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5 Benefits of Buying Fasteners from a Distributor

Fastener Distributor or Manufacturer

It may be tempting to buy fasteners directly from manufacturers strictly based on piece price, but before you commit to a source, keep in mind some of the benefits of using a good distributor.

Benefits of Using a Distributor

  1. Volumes – Most manufacturers have MOQs (minimum order quantities) of 2,000 pounds per order. Fasteners are produced from coils of steel, which are generally 2,000 pounds in weight. Splitting a coil is not cost effective, so MOQs are established. Distribution often buys the larger lot sizes of standard parts and may stock them for re-selling in smaller quantities.
  2. Packaging – Distributors are often more flexible on package types and quantities. For the best pricing, many manufacturers prefer to ship in bulk containers which require repackaging.
  3. Delivery – Scheduled delivery quantities and dates may be negotiated rather than bulk shipments.
  4. Stocking – Many distributors offer programs to bring the fasteners right to your assembly line and monitor your inventory for you.
  5. Design Help – A good distributor will have fastener experts on staff that can help design engineers select the proper fasteners, troubleshoot problems with assembly, and make recommendations for cost savings.

If you are not getting the support you need from your fastener supplier, contact us at

Doug Jones
Applications Engineer

November 02, 2018
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6 Ways to Save on Your C-Parts Management Costs

6 Ways to save on C-parts management costs

When prioritizing the necessary components of your end product, C-parts such as screws, washers and nuts often take the backseat. While it’s true these small pieces may not be the most noteworthy aspect of your product, there’s no question they are a vital part of the machine you are selling.

However, acquiring C-parts—even small consumer articles—is often a very costly business. This leads to high process costs in relation to the purchase costs. So how do you save money on secondary parts while maintaining excellent end product quality?

That’s where our free e-book comes in.

How Our E-Book Can Help

In this e-book, you will find 6 proven ways to help you reach up to 70% cost savings on your C-parts management. With the book as your guide, you will learn the importance of several factors that affect C-parts cost and useful tips on how to recognize these issues so you can find a better long-term solution.

This book will help you identify potential problems early on, allowing you to pinpoint a management area that needs work and fix it accordingly, saving you money in the long run. You’ll learn the benefits of outsourcing C-parts management and avoiding over-production, which can cost you time as well as money. Our e-book helps you understand the value of minimizing your movements for better efficiency, as well as how to focus on time management and process analysis to make sure you are on the right track.

Experience in the industry has shown that cost savings of up to 70% can be achieved in the areas of logistics of C-parts management. This has a lasting effect on the total cost of the end product. Success stories from Bossard’s customers are the true proof of saving immense costs on your C-parts management.

For more information, check out or contact us at

For more shopping options click here.

July 27, 2018
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Why You Should Optimize Your Last Mile Management

Optimize Your Last Mile Management

When reviewing supply chain management, it’s often discouraging that the last leg of the supply chain, moving materials from central storage locations to the work cells, is often the least efficient part of the shipping process. That’s why we’ve developed Last Mile Management—a simple solution for internal logistics.

Last Mile fully supports the milk run / water spider employee by efficiently carrying out their material flow in a time-saving manner for maximum productivity and less hassle. This method allows your business to benefit from intuitive and paperless instructions for setup and replenishment, shorter paths and full transparency.

Last Mile Benefits

Our replenishment process has been optimized by experts to create a seamless and cost-effective method of transportation.

Last Mile gives you real-time consumption data for each individual work cell and optimizes material flow and reduction of movements in internal logistics. We utilize semi- and fully-automated digital technologies to determine shorter order and delivery times; this ensures a highly reliable and efficient process. The Last Mile method also provides flexibility in reconfigurations.

Notable Features

Last Mile consists of several essential features that all come together to make the system run smoothly. This management method utilizes electronic demand requests, a mobile app for a paperless process, integration of all articles, as well as configurable work cells and customizable route definition for your convenience.

How it Works

Using a semi- or fully-automated system, a demand request is triggered at the work cell. The request is then transmitted online to the Bossard software ARIMS, where it is automatically added to the digital picking list. This digital list ensures the needed materials can be efficiently picked at the supermarket, pre-assembly, warehouse, etc. Finally, the milk run / water spider receives a route plan to replenish the work cells. Last Mile guarantees the final route plan is path-optimized, paperless, reliable and time-saving.

Optimize your Last Mile Management with Bossard’s results-driven process for a smoother, more resourceful shipping procedure that saves your business both time and money. For more information, check out or contact us at

July 06, 2018
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All About Rationalization and How It Can Save Your Company Money

Fastener Cost Savings

Rationalization: the action of reorganizing a process or system to make it more logical and consistent.

When we talk to customers about saving them money as a supplier of fasteners, the term “rationalization” always comes up. So how does the definition above apply to saving money just by looking at fasteners?

There are a couple of ways to approach the process:


The first is to look at one product that is being produced and start with the BOM (bill of materials) for that item. Often the BOM is missing some key descriptors, which we need to identify first by reviewing samples or prints to make sure we have a complete description. Once we have good, complete descriptions, then we can filter the list by size, grade and/or finish and look for similar parts. Next, we ask the question, “Do you need three M8 nuts, or can you get by with one that works for all applications?” By going through this exercise, we can normally eliminate several part numbers which ultimately saves the customer money.

Large Scale Approach

The other way to approach the process is to look at the entire factory, assuming that multiple items are being produced. By looking at the larger scale, we can eliminate more parts and come up with more cost savings. This only works well if we see the entire fastener BOM, so if there is more than one fastener supplier, we need access to all items.

Suggestions from a rationalization exercise can always yield cost savings, at least in theory. However, the reality is that making changes to existing products also has a cost which may exceed the savings. So what is the value of rationalization?

By going through the exercise with existing products, a strategy can be developed to use going forward on future builds. If possible, make a “first choice” list using one drive style, one finish and one grade of fastener that will work in most applications. Publish this list and teach engineers to use it as much as possible. This will help keep the number of special parts to a minimum.

Rationalization can yield some good cost savings ideas, but for the best results, get us involved in the design phase of your engineering project at

Doug Jones
Applications Engineer

April 27, 2018
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What’s the Difference Between Kits and Assemblies?

Kits & Assemblies

The difference between a kit and an assembly is quite simple:

  1. An assembly is taking two or more parts and combining them together to form one ultimate part.
  2. A kit is combining two or more components and either bagging or boxing them together. Typically, this gives the end user the ability to easily assemble the parts without confusion.

Kitting and assembling components is a task that typically involves multiple different items, and can take up a lot of time for both your employees and your company. Every item has its mate and place in different applications and if it isn’t done properly, it can potentially cause a butterfly effect. The result will be failures due to incorrect assembly, loss of production due to having to stop, and having to locate the proper part because it wasn’t kitted correctly.

Kits and assemblies need to be done right. It takes patience, attention to detail, and are extremely time consuming. If you feel you have a kit or assembly opportunity that you need assistance with, please contact Bossard at


Eric Barfels
Technical Sales

April 06, 2018
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